Results for 'Thomas de Zengotita'

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  1.  10
    Postmodern Theory and Progressive Politics: Toward a New Humanism.Thomas de Zengotita - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book examines the lasting influence of the academic culture wars of the late 20th century on the humanities and progressive politics, and what to make now of those furious debates over postmodernism, multiculturalism, relativism, critical theory, deconstruction, post-structuralism, and so on. In an effort to arrive at a fair judgment on that question, the book reaches for an understanding of postmodern theorists by way of two genres they despised; and hopes, for that reason, to do them justice. The story, (...)
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  2. How to reason infallibly.Thomas De Riemer Hawley - 1900 - Chicago,: T.D. Hawley.
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  3. Enactive intersubjectivity: Participatory sense-making and mutual incorporation.Thomas Fuchs & Hanne De Jaegher - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (4):465-486.
    Current theories of social cognition are mainly based on a representationalist view. Moreover, they focus on a rather sophisticated and limited aspect of understanding others, i.e. on how we predict and explain others’ behaviours through representing their mental states. Research into the ‘social brain’ has also favoured a third-person paradigm of social cognition as a passive observation of others’ behaviour, attributing it to an inferential, simulative or projective process in the individual brain. In this paper, we present a concept of (...)
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  4. La nouvelle ignorance et le probleme de la culture.Thomas De Koninck - 2000
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  5. Elemens Philosophiques du Citoyen, Tr. Par [S. De Sorbière.].Thomas Hobbes & Samuel de Sorbière - 1649
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  6. Infallible logic.Thomas De Riemer Hawley - 1896 - Lansing, Mich.,: R. Smith printing company.
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    Oeuvres de Charles De Koninck.De Koninck Thomas & Jacques Vallée - 2015 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
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  8. How to reason infallibly.Thomas De Reimer Hawley - 1900 - Chicago,: T. D. Hawley.
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    On the Immortality of Minds.Thomas De Vio - 1973 - In Leonard A. Kennedy (ed.), Renaissance Philosophy: New Translations: Lorenzo Valla , Paul Cortese , Cajetan , Tiberio Baccilieri , Juan Luis Vives , Peter Ramus. De Gruyter. pp. 41-54.
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    Tactisch steekspel of tijdverspilling? Strategische meerjarenplanning in Vlaamse gemeenten.Thomas Block, Koenraad De Ceuninck & Herwig Reynaert - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (4):409-441.
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    In memoriam Venant Cauchy.Thomas De Koninck - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (1):5-6.
  12. Eingegangene b? Cher.Thomas Frenz, Papsturkunden des Mittelal, Christoph Friederich, Jahre Huge & Toleranz Ausstellung im Stadtmuseum - 1985 - Polis 347:35-000.
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    Between Atoms and Forms: Natural Philosophy and Metaphysics in Kenelm Digby.Han Thomas Adriaenssen & Sander de Boer - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (1):57-80.
    although mostly known to specialists nowadays, Kenelm Digby was a remarkable figure on the intellectual scene of the early seventeenth century. He has been described as “one of the most influential natural philosophers” of his time,1 and corresponded with many of the great scholars of his days, including Descartes, and the French pioneer of atomism, Pierre Gassendi. In the later years of his life, Digby, alongside men like Robert Boyle, became one of the founding members of the Royal Society.2Digby authored (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil.Thomas Nys & Stephen De Wijze (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Why ought we concern ourselves with understanding a concept of evil? It is an elusive and politically charged concept which critics argue has no explanatory power and is a relic of a superstitious and primitive religious past. Yet its widespread use persists today: we find it invoked by politicians, judges, journalists, and many others to express the view that certain actions, persons, institutions, or ideologies are not just morally problematic but require a special signifier to mark them out from the (...)
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  15. Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr., org. O que é Filosofia da Educação?Antonio Basã­lio Novaes Thomas de Menezes - 2000 - Princípios 7 (8):127-129.
  16. Le Corps Politique.Thomas Hobbes, Samuel de Sorbière & Louis Roux - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (3):375-376.
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    Foreword to Special Issue on ‘Responsible Leadership’.Nicola M. Pless, Thomas Maak & Derick de Jongh - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (S1):1-1.
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    Lógicas paraclássicas: exposição, defesa e problemas.Frank Thomas Sautter & Hércules de Araújo Feitosa - 2005 - Cognitio 6 (1).
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    Aquinas Against the Averroists: On There Being Only One Intellect.Ralph McInerny, Thomas, Thomas de Aquino & Thomas De Unitate Intellectus Contra Averroistas - 1993 - Purdue University Press.
    In the mid-1260s in Paris, a dispute raged that concerned the relationship between faith and the Augustinian theological tradition on the one side and secular leaning as represented by the arrival in Latin of Aristotle and various Islamic and Jewish interpreters of Aristotle on the other. Masters of the arts faculty in Paris represented the latter tradition, indicated by the phrase "double truth theory." In 1269, Thomas Aquinas wrote the polemical work On There Being Only One Intellect, Against the (...)
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  20. Epistemologia e Currículo: registro do II Workshop de Filosofia e Ensino da UFRGS.Gisele Dalva Secco, Ronai Pires da Rocha, Daniel Simão Nascimento, Nastassja Pugliese, Frank Thoma Sautter, Marta Vitória de Alencar & Renato Matoso Brandão - 2015 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
    O livro reúne textos apresentados no II Workshop de Filosofia e Ensino, realizado na UFRGS em 2015, com a temática "Epistemologia e Currículo" -/- .
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  21. A Linguistização do Sagrado e a Ética do Discurso em Habermas.Antônio Basí­lio Novas Thomas de Menezes - 1995 - Princípios 2 (2):12-19.
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  22. (1 other version)Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind.Thomas Reid - 1969 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 38 (2):424-424.
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  23. Logos et scala naturae dans le stoïcisme de Zénon et Cléanthe.Thomas Bénatouïl - 2002 - Elenchos 23 (2):297-331.
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    Le concept et le lieu: figures de la relation entre art et philosophie.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2008 - Paris: Cerf.
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  25. The most icy inscrutable creature known to science: an Englishman: Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours dans une adaptation musicale de 1988.Thomas Bartoldus & Ralf JUNKERJüRGEN - 2005 - Iris 28:205-218.
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  26. Tomasza Wiltona Quaestio disputata de anima intellectiva: Wste̜p krytyczny i wydanie tekstu.Thomas Wylton - 1964 - [Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe. Edited by Władysław[From Old Catalog] SeńKo.
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  27. L'être et l'essence. Le vocabularire médiéval de l'ontologie.Thomas D'aquin, Dietrich de Freiberg, Alain de Libera & Cyrille Michon - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (3):553-554.
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  28. COMPTES-RENDUS-Reference et autoreference. Etude sur le theme de la mort de la philosophie dans la pensee contemporaine.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel & Jean-Claude Gens - 2007 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 61 (239):105.
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    Inoue Tetsujirō.Thomas P. Kasulis - 2020 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 6:1-22.
    There is no arguing the impact of Inoue Tetsujirō on the development of philosophy in Japan from the Meiji Restoration through the end of the Pacific War. He was the first Japanese to receive a doctorate in philosophy from Germany and the first native-born chair of the philosophy department at Tokyo Imperial University, the training center for almost all the major Japanese philosophers who graduated before 1915. Inoue was instrumental in making German idealism the Western philosophy of choice for Japan, (...)
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    Neural probabilistic logic programming in DeepProbLog.Robin Manhaeve, Sebastijan Dumančić, Angelika Kimmig, Thomas Demeester & Luc De Raedt - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 298 (C):103504.
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  31. Mental control and attributions of blame for negligent wrongdoing.Samuel Murray, Kristina Krasich, Zachary Irving, Thomas Nadelhoffer & Felipe De Brigard - forthcoming - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
    Judgments of blame for others are typically sensitive to what an agent knows and desires. However, when people act negligently, they do not know what they are doing and do not desire the outcomes of their negligence. How, then, do people attribute blame for negligent wrongdoing? We propose that people attribute blame for negligent wrongdoing based on perceived mental control, or the degree to which an agent guides their thoughts and attention over time. To acquire information about others’ mental control, (...)
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  32. Is Political Obligation Necessary for Obedience? Hobbes on Hostility, War and Obligation.Thomas M. Hughes - 2012 - Teoria Politica 2:77-99.
    Contemporary debates on obedience and consent, such as those between Thomas Senor and A. John Simmons, suggest that either political obligation must exist as a concept or there must be natural duty of justice accessible to us through reason. Without one or the other, de facto political institutions would lack the requisite moral framework to engage in legitimate coercion. This essay suggests that both are unnecessary in order to provide a conceptual framework in which obedience to coercive political institutions (...)
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    Schopenhauer.Thomas Mann - 1938 - Stockholm,: Bermann-Fischer.
    Dans la vie d'un lecteur, certains auteurs occupent une place à part : lectures inaugurales, compagnons de tous les jours, sources auxquelles on revient. La collection "Les auteurs de ma vie" invite de grands écrivains contemporains à partager leur admiration pour un classique, dont la lecture a particulièrement compté pour eux. Dans sa jeunesse, Thomas Mann a lu et médité Schopenhauer, philosophe de la volonté et du pessimisme, qui a largement influencé l'oeuvre de celui qui deviendra l'un des plus (...)
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  34. La idealización en la matemática.Thomas Mormann - 2012 - Discusiones Filosóficas 13 (20):147 - 167.
    Abstract. El objetivo de este documento es elucidar el papel de las idealizaciones en el conocimiento matemático inspirado por algunas ideas del filósofo neo-kantiano Ernst Cassirer. Usualmente, en la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea se da por hecho que el tema de la idealización se refiere únicamente a las idealizaciones en las ciencias empíricas, en particular en la física. Por el contrario, Cassirer afirmó que la idealización de las matemáticas, así como en las ciencias tiene la misma base conceptual y (...)
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  35. Elemente der Philosophie. Erste Abteilung: Der Körper [orig.: Elemento phibsophiae. De corpore].Thomas Hobbes & Karl Schumann - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (2):377-377.
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    Una teoría combinatoria de las representaciones científicas.Andoni Ibarra & Thomas Mormann - 2000 - Critica 32 (95):3-46.
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    Fries, Apelt, Schleiden: Verzeichnis der Primär- und Sekundärliteratur 1798-1988.Thomas Glasmacher - 1989 - Köln: Dinter.
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    El descontento de la filosofía tradicional de la ciencia con el concepto de representación. Réplica a Sergio Martínez.Andoni Ibarra & Thomas Mormann - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):97-109.
    En esta réplica a la crítica que Sergio Martínez hace de nuestro artículo "Una teoría combinatoria de las representaciones científicas" sostenemos que su posición está basada en una aceptación acrítica de algunas dicotomías tradicionales y en una interpretación algo distorsionada de la historia de la filosofía. Indicamos que el enfoque expuesto en UTC no puede calificarse de formalista. En filosofía de la ciencia la distinción entre el enfoque "formalista" y el "historicista" es ya obsoleta. Por ello, tanto las herramientas formales (...)
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    Die Anfangslosigkeit der Welt nach Thomas von Aquin und Kant.Anton Antweiler & Thomas - 1961 - Trier: Paulinus. Edited by Thomas.
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  40. Are We Violating the Human Rights of the World's Poor? [Spanish].Thomas Pogge - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 17:10-67.
    Una violación de los derechos humanos implica un no cumplimiento de los derechos humanos y una relación causal activa entre agentes humanos y tal incumplimiento. Esta relación causal puede ser de interacción, pero también puede ser institucional, como cuando los agentes colaboran en el diseño y la imposición de arreglos institucionales que de manera previsible y evitable causan el no cumplimiento de los derechos humanos. Cierta evidencia de fácil acceso sugiere que (a) derechos humanos sociales y económicos básicos siguen siendo (...)
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  41. Dell'umano evento. Trittico filosofico e politico (con A. De Simone e D. D'Alessandro). Parte prima: “In bilico sul crinale dell’essere”. Il soggetto tra natura, storia e cultura: attraverso Hegel, Nietzsche e Thomas Mann.Riccardo Roni, Antonio De Simone & Davide D'Alessandro - 2012 - Perugia PG, Italia: Morlacchi.
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    Geist und Gehirn: das Leib-Seele-Problem in der aktuellen Diskussion.Thomas Zoglauer - 1998 - Göttingen: Vandehoeck & Rupprecht.
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    La politique postmoderne: généalogie du contemporain.Thomas Seguin - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur réalise une relecture du corpus théorique postmoderne afin d'en dégager une grammaire politique nouvelle. C'est le parti pris de cet ouvrage que de lier la pensée politique de la postmodernité à l'analyse de la société actuelle et à sa transformation. L'objet théorique qu'il nous propose permet d'envisager et d'éclairer une série de faits sociaux et d'idées nouvelles dans notre contemporanéité mouvante.
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  44. Commentario al De anima, libro III.Adriana Thomas & Caparello - 1971 - Bergamo,: Minerva italica. Edited by Adriana Caparello.
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  45. L'objet De La Métaphysique Selon Kant Et Selon Aristote.M. Thomas - 1907 - Revue de Philosophie 10:593.
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  46. La notion de l'instinct.M. Thomas - 1932 - Scientia 26 (51):157.
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  47. La notion de l'Instinct, connaissance innée, et sa tenue devant la méthode expérimentale.M. Thomas - 1936 - Scientia 30 (59):252.
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  48. La philosophie de Gassendi.P. Thomas - 1890 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 29:87-95.
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    Le pélagianisme de J.-J. Rousseau.Jacques François Thomas - 1956 - Paris,: Librairie Nizet.
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  50. (1 other version)Les étapes de la question de l'instinct.M. Thomas - 1944 - Scientia 38 (76):66.
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